If your skin feels greasy to the touch, has enlarged pores, acne or spots and you find it difficult to keep makeup in place then it sounds like you may have oily skin.
If this is you, your skin will benefit from a skincare routine that helps to balance out your natural oil production and prevents it from creating excess oil.
If your skin feels oily across your T-zone, but you are be prone to dry patches on your cheeks and jawline then you have combination skin.
If this is you, then your skin will benefit from a lightly hydrating but balancing skincare regimen.
If your skin generally feels quite balanced, rarely oily and rarely dry then it sounds like you have normal skin.
If your skin often feels stretched, your pores are nearly invisible and you suffer from occasional flakiness or dry patches then you have dry skin.
If your skin always feels tight and you often suffer from flakiness, dry patches or scaliness and your skin still feels stretched even after using a moisturiser then you likely have very dry skin.
If this is you, then your skin will benefit from a moisture intensive skincare program to help it regain its natural balance.
Drink plenty of water! Hydration starts from the inside out, so ensuring your body is receiving the right amount of water every day goes a long way towards supple, hydrated skin.
Clean, healthy eating. A healthy, balanced diet helps your skin from the inside to get all the nutrients that it needs to find your bloom.
Manage stress. Stress can take a significant toll on your skin as when your body is stressed, it creates more of the hormone cortisol which tells the glands in your skin to create excess oil. It can also aggravate inflammatory skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis. If you are feeling stressed, it can be easy to forget about your skincare and looking after yourself. Take some time for yourself, put on a clay mask and some music, let yourself just breathe and talk to someone that might be able to help.